Logo Design - 5 Common Myths Busted > 자유게시판

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Logo Design - 5 Common Myths Busted

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작성자 Josh
댓글 0건 조회 138회 작성일 24-04-25 17:07


maxresdefault.jpgMyth #3: Any type of font is acceptable. Typography is an important part of a logo. Most designers ignore the importance of typography in a logo. Often, the typography is used to complement the design element and to announce the brand name. Developing a new font or even choosing the right one for the logo is an art. Choose the font that best suits the brand's personality. You can add your own twist to the type by experimenting. Remember, many big global brands has only typography as the logo unit.

Before you begin designing your logo, be sure to carefully review it. You must ensure that the colors and images are compatible with the products you have in mind for the website. Double check that the logo looks great on your website, and wherever else it will appear. You can then give the final go ahead for the designer to put the logo into formats that you can use.

Use vector software. Make sure that all graphics are vector, whether you are creating logo design with a designer or server vip not. Vector graphics can be resized without losing clarity.

Your business design is the face or stamp that the market will remember you business by. This is your business's identity. Your business design should reflect what you do. At all times keep your business profile in mind. A design should reflect both manufacturing and environmental activities. Your logo should contain a summary of what your company does, not just your initials and your picture, which are less important.

The main goal of any logo design is to make it easy to remember. A logo that is similar to everyday items or is common will not help consumers remember the design unless it has something unique or special that is worthy of recognition.

Who knows your company better than you? The answer is no one. Participation in the design process is vital. The person who orders your logo should ask you questions about the design of your logo. You can provide any details about colors or layouts that you are looking for, as well as text and images. Your logo will be created according to your specifications.

Your logo does not necessarily have to be complicated or a portrait-in-miniature of your company. Look at logos that you recognize instantly and easily. All of them are simple designs, such as the Nike Swoosh or the Macintosh Apple, or the Mercedes Star. Although none of these logos represent the actual business of a company, you will know who they represent.


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